United Advocates

Hackers and thieves have stepped up their efforts to take United Arab Emirates (UAE) residents their money through financial scams. The purpose: to steal the victims’ savings by obtaining their bank account numbers, credit or debit cards, and passwords. The “modus operandi” can occur with different malicious programs (malware), such as ransomware. But they can...

Metaverse is seen as the next significant evolution of the internet, moving away from text-based websites towards shared, overlapping 3D worlds in which users interact via avatars. It is used for a variety of purposes, including socializing, events, gaming, commerce, and even work. Dubai, the commercial hub of the United Arab Emirates, has emerged as...

The ignorance of the law on the part of some workers occasionally results in the situations that do not comply with the applicable laws. As per the laws of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), costs of the visa always shall always be borne by the employer, but in certain instances, there have been cases where...

It is very important to take into account what the new laws say before quitting your job during the trial period. The new Labour Law -Decree-Federal Law No. 33 of 2021- and Ministerial Resolution No. 47 of 2022 establish that a worker can face one year of work disqualification if they quit their job during...