United Advocates

United Advocates’ New Delhi Partner, Satinder Kapur, appeared before the Mauritius Supreme Court

(Left to Right: Yves Hein, JJ Roberts, Patrice Doger de Spéville SC, Angélique Anne Desvaux de Marigny, Satinder Kapur, Prithvi Rohan Kapur, Shobhit Nanda)

United Advocates’ New Delhi Partner, Satinder Kapur, recently appeared before the Supreme Court of Mauritius, after being granted special rights of audience. Working together with well-known Mauritian counsels, Mr Kapur’s offices (Satinder Kapur and Associates or SKAA) advise and represent plaintiffs in a damages claim against Mauritian entities, including a large conglomerate.

The SKAA team includes Satinder Kapur (Lead Partner); Prithvi Rohan Kapur (Counsel); and Shobhit Nanda (Senior Associate).